Essential for protect your pool your pool’s equipment, the installation of a equipment room is an important step in the design of your aquatic space. Whether it’s the pump, filter, electrical box or heating system, all of this equipment, which is essential to the smooth operation of your pool, requires increased protection against the effects of weather. bad weather. Depending on the surface available, you can also use this space for store your
cleaning products
but also accessories and
inflatable games
of your children. As long as you know how to get organized…


So before you take the plunge, discover our 3 tips for a successful technical room layout and enjoy your pool with complete peace of mind!


1. Choosing the right location for your equipment room


Installing a technical room is not something you can improvise. In fact, to avoid any risk of leakageIt must be considered in advance and carried out at the same time as
construction of your pool

Ideally, your equipment room should be located between 5 to 10 meters from your pool. It’s important to respect this distance, especially for your pool’s filtration system and pump. To operate efficiently, they need to be located as close as possible to your pond and water level. Above 10 meters, you’ll need a more powerful pump and a larger filter to limit pressure loss in the hydraulic circuit.

Finally, to avoid damaging your equipment, it must be be insulated rain, wind and heat. For these reasons, it is essential that your equipment room be watertight, not subject to flooding and has sufficient ventilation.

2. Securing your equipment room


For your safety, it is important that your various pieces of equipment are sufficiently spaced In addition to allowing free movement inside your pool equipment room, unobstructed access makes it easier to set up and maintain your equipment and accessories.

Don’t forget to fit your equipment room with a siphon, and to raise your pump slightly. This way, in the event of flooding, you can avoid hydrocution accidents.

Finally, if you plan to store your cleaning products inside your premises, remember to secure your door by installing a key. This will prevent children or pets from inhaling any dangerous or toxic products.


3. Optimize your equipment room space


Turn your equipment room into storage spaceit’s possible! Cleaning products, accessories, pool toys… It’s important to think carefully beforehand about the items you want to store in your premises. In fact, depending on the volume involved, you’ll certainly need to add a few m2 when building it.



As you can see, the installation of a technical room is a crucial stage in the construction of your pool. To make installation easier, you can also make your own a plan of your future equipment room. By determining the equipment and accessories inside, you’ll have a clearer idea of the desired surface area and configuration.

For assistance in building your pool area, don’t hesitate to contact the
Aboral specialists
. They’ll be happy to help you every step of the way!


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