You wish to to install a swimming pool in your garden and you’re wondering what the law says about
? Whether you opt for a in-ground pool or semi-buried, you’ll need to secure it. Only above-ground, demountable and inflatable pools are not affected by these measures. However, this does not exempt you from being vigilant when swimming – especially when children under the age of 5 are near the water. pool !

Without further ado, discover the different protection systems available on the market today to secure your pool.


Why is pool protection important?

Since 2006, all owners of in-ground pools – whether for individual or collective use – are required to be equipped with a safety system. This law was introduced for a number of reasons, not least to limit the risk of accidents and drowning.


Preventing the risk of drowning

If installing a swimming pool in your outdoor space brings well-being and pleasure to your home, you mustn’t overlook the fact that water remains a dangerous element.

Without supervision, a drowning accident can happen! At least, that’s the finding of the NOYADES survey, carried out by Santé Publique France, which highlights a +105% increase in accidental drownings between 2015 and 2018.

To avoid such tragedies, it is important to find out, before building your pool building your poolon the various safety systems available on the market. Automatic shutters, bar covers or even pool alarm… these devices will protect you and your loved ones!


Preventing the risk of accidents

Without thinking the worst, installing authorized equipment also prevents the risk of accident and injury. In fact, you’re not safe from a bather falling or slipping in the vicinity of your pool, causing scratches, sprains or even breakage.

To limit the danger, since 2006 homeowners have been required to choose a safety device among the four recommended by law, in compliance with the standards set by Afnor (Association française de normalisation). Even if you don’t have young children!

As a result, whether your pool is in-ground or semi in-ground, you will need to install at least one approved safety system among the following: a blanket (automatic shutter or bar cover to standard NF P. 90-308), a pool alarm (standard NF P. 90-307), a barrier (standard NF P. 90-306) or a pool enclosure (standard NF P. 90-307).

At Aboral ShopThree different types of device are available. To ensure everyone’s safety and to comply with the law, all our safety devices are covered by NF standards. This conformity is mandatory, and must be presented in the event of an accident or inspection by the Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes (DGCCRF).


Automatic shutters, the 3-in-1 safety device

To avoid the risk of drowning, but also to protect children who do not know how to swim, the pool safety has been mandatory since 2003. Among the standardized safety devicesthe automatic shutter is the ideal solution.


The benefits of automatic shutters

This pool cover, subject to NF P90-308 standard, guarantees quality, strength and resistance to accident and drowning hazards. The safety shutter has been designed to :

  • Withstand the weight of a 100 kg adult;
  • Prevent immersion of a child under 5 ;
  • Blocking the introduction of a child from below;
  • Do not injure the people handling it;
  • Not accessible and/or usable by a child.

In addition to protecting all bathers, including young children, the installation of an automatic shutter considerably increases your comfort.

First, by covering the surface of your polyester poolYou’ll have the chance to extend the swimming season with water at the right temperature for more than half the year. But that’s not all! Once your shell pool covered, you limit the deposit of external pollution inside it. Thanks to the automatic shutterautomatic shutters, say goodbye to insects, pollen and leaves that can spoil the quality of your water!

Easy to install, the pool safety covers can easily be installed by yourself, as long as safety is guaranteed.


The disadvantages of automatic shutters

If you plan to use an electric roller shutterroller shutters, remember that they are best suited to rectangular pools. If you have a round or free-form pond, you may want to consider a different safety device.

Another disadvantage of automatic shutters do not appreciate bad weather, especially hail. Hailstorms can cause serious damage to the shutter blades, resulting in malfunctioning. In the event of hail, remember to leave your shutters rolled up!


Bar tarpaulins for year-round protection

The advantages of bar tarpaulins

Unlike bubble covers, whose main role is to insulate your pool against heat, bar covers bar covers provide safe access to the pool. Composed of a sturdy aluminum or composite bar and a thick tarpaulin, these safety covers in compliance with NF P90-308 standard are capable of supporting the weight of a 100 kg adult.

Thanks to its opacity, this blanket is able to block the sun’s UV rays, thereby stopping the photosynthesis process responsible for the appearance of algae in the water. It also protects your polyester shell swimming pool from outside pollution.

As you can see, the bar liner has the dual advantage of securing your pool while reducing your

To ensure the safety of your pool and to meet the different characteristics of your pool, Aboral Shop offers you a wide range of
bar covers
. Would you like to customize the shape, size or color of your new device? Get in touch directly with our team of experts to create your made-to-measure bar cover.

The disadvantages of bar tarpaulins

If the bar covers are effective in limiting the risk of drowning, they may not be suitable for free-form free-form pools.

In terms of price, this type of cover is one of the most expensive pool safety devices available. This is due to its many advantages: in addition to protecting young children, the bar cover makes pool maintenance easier and extends the swimming season by preventing heat from evaporating!


Pool alarms, the economical solution

The benefits of pool alarms

For small budgets, pool alarm (NF P 90-307) is your best ally! Thanks to a set of sensors that monitor your pool on a daily basis, the alarm can be triggered as soon as an intrusion is detected. Designed to prevent the risk of drowning – particularly among the very young – swimming pool alarms are one of the most effective ways of preventing drowning. safety features for owners of in-ground in-ground pool. And the reason is simple: unlike shelters or blankets, pool alarm adapts to all pools. What’s more, whether submerged or perimeter, installing a pool alarm won’t detract from the aesthetics of your garden or home.

Today, two types of audible alarm are available on the market:

  • Immersion alarm : Thanks to a probe immersed in your pool water, this device is triggered as soon as any abnormal movement is detected. It’s important to note that this type of alarm is able to differentiate between waves caused by wind and other weather conditions, and those caused by a falling person.
  • Perimeter alarm In contrast to immersion alarmThis device alerts you as soon as a child approaches the pool. Located around the pool, infrared bollards define a safety perimeter around the pool and emit an audible signal when the perimeter is crossed. The advantage of perimeter alarm ? It is triggered before the fall occurs, leaving time to intervene.

Please note pool alarm is effective, you’ll need to check that it’s active 24 hours a day!


Disadvantages of pool alarms

Unlike the previous security devices presented, the installation of a security alarm in the pool does not prevent bathers from accessing it. Therefore, to ensure safety, a person must be constantly present in the vicinity of the water.

As a general rule the installation of a security system should never replace human vigilance. It’s the best way to protect your loved ones!


Would you like us to help you secure your pool? We invite you to contact Aboral teams. Whether you need information, advice or a custom-made cover, they’ll be happy to help!

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